I've spent my entire life avoiding being pigeon holed into one set of study or discipline.
I didn't understand why I couldn't study everything and why certain classes and fields did not "overlap" when there is so much in common.
During college, when finally forced to pick a major (which I still don't understand) I picked a creative and the most practical major possible:
Theatre Production.
I had no interest in designing or being the one in charge (creatively.)

You are kind and compassionate and a good listener, I never feel rushed or put off, you make me feel like I'm important and cared for and nothing interferes with that.
- Mary Ellen
WHAT I'VE BEEN TOLD (about myself)
It has been an absolute pleasure working with you. You have always gone above and beyond.
- Emma
I can't think of anyone I would rather be working with on this gigantic, overwhelming at times project. You have brought, to me, such comfort, comedy, insight and love in this endeavor.
- Liz